Mobile (Android and iOS) is getting harder and harder to develop for, and devs are leaving the platforms out of frustration and annoyance. With each new OS update a slew of new requirements have to …
Obtaining More Freedom (and Money) with Freelancing
I woke up the other day after sleeping in (slept until 6:30 AM, I know… that's probably not sleeping in for most people). However, when I woke up, I felt very inspired to work on a problem that I have …
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Done is Better Than Perfect
I tend to ship things that are not perfect for a reason … Shipping something that works and solves the problem is often better than waiting until said thing is perfect. In other words … Done …
Invisible Mentors
Have you ever wanted a specific mentor in a particular area of your life? I’m sure you have. We all have. Maybe you want a mentor for … However, most of the time you can’t find a mentor …
I Removed JetPack Compose from My App
Ok, I admit, this is a clickbait title, but you’re here, right? So let's keep going. Thanks for joining me. Here’s the TLDR ... I removed an AppBar that was in a ComposeView from my app …
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Why Grandparents Spoil Grandchildren
... and why it's OK. Have you ever wondered why grandparents spoil their grandchildren? As a parent yourself, you might be wondering “Why didn't I get this kind of treatment from my parents? Why …
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